Understanding the Service Data Report           

At the completion of each repair, a total and concise Quality Control Report will be provided. The report is an invaluable reference regarding the status, performance, and repair history of your scope.


The SERVICE DATA REPORT includes the following information:

These are color images of the endoscope before and after it was repaired as taken through a camera system. The color target is custom made to display the best color, contrast, clarity and brightness.

Before and after image information about the optical system of the endoscope will be displayed in this area, including the angle and field of view and the resolution of the endoscope (displayed in Line Pairs per Millimeter -LP/MM which is a quantifiable image resolution measurement used in the optical industry). The data is then compared and classified relative to the manufacturer’s specifications and limits for the endoscope.

The angle of view of the fiber light bundle is shown. If the scope has been polished or re-fibered improperly, the angle of these fibers may be incorrect, resulting in a poor image. Information will include the actual transmission percentage of the light bundle. As with the OPTICS DATA, the results are then compared and classified relative to the manufacturer’s specifications and limits for the endoscope.

Information regarding three important post repair tests is listed. The endoscope must complete and pass a leak test, condensation test, and a working distance test. If any light port adaptors were included with the scope, they will be noted in this area of the report.

Once all the post repair tests are passed and completed, the quality control technician notes any additional comments. The original report is included with each repaired scope.